SCP-Diff: Photo-Realistic Semantic Image Synthesis with Spatial-Categorical Joint Prior

Huan-ang Gao*1, Mingju Gao*1, Jiaju Li1,2, Wenyi Li1,
Rong Zhi3, Hao Tang4, Hao Zhao†1
1 Institute for AI Industry Research (AIR), Tsinghua University    
2 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences     3 Mercedes-Benz Group China Ltd.     4 Carnegie Mellon University
*Indicates Equal Contribution
Indicates Corresponding Author

Left to right: Semantic Label Map, Ground Truth, Ours. The proposed SCP-Diff can generate photo-realistic images from semantic masks. While the state-of-the-art method ECGAN achieves 44.5 FID on Cityscapes, our method achieves 10.5 FID. The quality is credited to the strong spatial and categorical prior of Cityscapes.


Semantic image synthesis (SIS) shows good promises for sensor simulation. However, current best practices in this field, based on GANs, have not yet reached the desired level of quality. As latent diffusion models make significant strides in image generation, we are prompted to evaluate ControlNet, a notable method for its dense control capabilities. Our investigation uncovered two primary issues with its results: the presence of weird sub-structures within large semantic areas and the misalignment of content with the semantic mask. Through empirical study, we pinpointed the cause of these problems as a mismatch between the noised training data distribution and the standard normal prior applied at the inference stage. To address this challenge, we developed specific noise priors for SIS, encompassing spatial, categorical, and a novel spatial-categorical joint prior for inference. This approach, which we have named SCP-Diff, has yielded exceptional results, achieving an FID of 10.53 on Cityscapes and 12.66 on ADE20K.

Our code release is undergoing a review process within the company of our co-authors due to regulations. If you meet with problems when trying to reproduce our results or have problems with our implementation, feel free to contact us :)


Overall pipeline for our proposed method.

Explanation of the underlying mechanisms of our proposed noise priors using ADE20K. Introducing the spatial prior aligns the image style with the dataset's aesthetic while removing odd substructures in large semantic areas. Incorporating the class prior can enhance alignment with the provided semantic masks. By jointing spatial and class priors, their beneficial features are combined, allowing our joint prior (SCP-Diff) to achieve state-of-the-art results on ADE20K.



Method Cityscapes ADE20K
mIoU ↑ Acc ↑ FID ↓ mIoU ↑ Acc ↑ FID ↓
Normal Prior 65.14 (+0.00) 94.14 (+0.00) 23.35 (+0.00) 20.73 (+0.00) 61.14 (+0.00) 20.58 (+0.00)
Spatial Prior 66.77 (+1.63) 94.29 (+0.15) 12.83 (-10.52) 20.86 (+0.13) 64.46 (+3.32) 16.03 (-4.55)
Categorical Prior 66.86 (+1.72) 94.54 (+0.40) 11.63 (-11.72) 21.86 (+1.13) 66.63 (+5.49) 16.56 (-4.02)
Joint Prior 67.92 (+2.78) 94.65 (+0.51) 10.53 (-12.82) 25.61 (+4.88) 71.79 (+10.65) 12.66 (-7.92)
Quantitative Comparison of Different Noise Priors


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  title={SCP-Diff: Photo-Realistic Semantic Image Synthesis with Spatial-Categorical Joint Prior},
  author={Gao, Huan-ang and Gao, Mingju and Li, Jiaju and Li, Wenyi and Zhi, Rong and Tang, Hao and Zhao, Hao},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.09638},